Introduction to Numba

Compilation Modes


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • Is it possible to ensure Numba will generate high performance code?

  • Learn the difference between Numba’s compilation modes.

  • See what happens if Numba can’t generate optimized code.

Numba has two compilation modes: nopython mode and object mode.

In nopython mode, the Numba compiler will generate code that does not access the Python C API. This mode produces the highest performance code, but requires that the native types of all values in the function can be inferred.

In object mode, the Numba compiler generates code that handles all values as Python objects and uses the Python C API to perform all operations on those objects. Code compiled in object mode will often run no faster than Python interpreted code.

Numba will by default automatically use object mode if nopython mode cannot be used for some reason. Rather than fall back to object mode, it is sometimes preferrable to generate an error instead. By adding the nopython=True keyword, it is possible to force Numbe to do this:

from numba import jit
def bubblesort(X):
    N = len(X)
    for end in range(N, 1, -1):
        for i in range(end - 1):
            cur = X[i]
            if cur > X[i + 1]:
                tmp = X[i]
                X[i] = X[i + 1]
                X[i + 1] = tmp

Notice that this code compiles cleanly. However, if we introduce an object who’s type cannot be inferred and see what happens (don’t worry, you should see errors).

from numba import jit
from decimal import Decimal
def bubblesort(X):
    N = len(X)
    val = Decimal(100)
    for end in range(N, 1, -1):
        for i in range(end - 1):
            cur = X[i]
            if cur > X[i + 1]:
                tmp = X[i]
                X[i] = X[i + 1]
                X[i + 1] = tmp

Now when we try to compile this code, Numba complains that Decimal is an untyped name. Without the nopython mode, this code would have compiled, but would have run much more slowly.


Copy this code and remove the nopython option. Verify that it compiles cleanly in this case.

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