BigData with PySpark: Setup

Download Apache Spark from here. Make sure you have at least version 2.1.1.

Mac and Linux

Uncompress and untar the archive, then move it to a known location such as /home/<user>/spark or /Users/<user>/spark. We’ll refer to this location as _path_to_spark_ below.

Set your path with a command like the following:



Uncompress and untar the archive (you may need WinZip or another utility for this), then move it to a known location such as C:\Users\<user>\spark. We’ll refer to this location as _path_to_spark_ below.

Download the winutils.exe program and place it in C:\winutils\bin.

Set the following variables:

set SPARK_PATH=C:\_path_to_spark_\spark
set PATH=%PATH%;%SPARK_PATH%\bin;C:\winutils\bin
set HADOOP_HOME=C:\winutils
set _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx512M"

All Operating Systems

Check that Spark is installed correctly by running the command:

run-example SparkPi 10

To run Spark interactively in a Python interpreter, use pyspark:

pyspark --master local[2]

PySpark will automatically create a SparkContext for you to work with using the local Spark configuration. You can check that Spark is loaded using the following command:


This should display output like:

<pyspark.context.SparkContext object at 0x10b47fbd0>

Once you are running pyspark, you can open Spark UI by pointing your browser at http://localhost:4040/.

If you are seeing lots of INFO and WARNING messages

To reduce the verbose output from Spark, you can do the following:

Copy /_path_to_spark_/conf/ to /_path_to_spark_/conf/ (\_path_to_spark\conf for Windows). Edit the file and change the line:

log4j.rootCategory=INFO, console


log4j.rootCategory=ERROR, console